CATALIS Learning Academy is a complete program designed to help you get the most out of your CATALIS products.
As facilitators of a knowledge exchange with adult learners, we’re charged with making sure your staff “gets it.” And we give everyone many opportunities to do so, from prerequisite learning, to onsite or webinar learning sessions.
For us, it’s about fighting the forgetfulness curve, which tells us that we forget up to 70 percent
of what we learn in the first week, and up to 90 percent in a month – without continued practice and retrieval exercises.
Fighting forgetfulness involves reinforcing what your users have learned after their learning sessions.
If you already have an account, log in to begin your learning session. If you haven’t yet created an account, click the Academy logo in your control panel to get started.  

CATALIS academy offers:

How-to video instruction.
Hybrid webinars.
Onsite classes.
Distance learning.

On this site, you'll find:

Video instruction.
Live & recorded webinars.
Online classes & certification exams.
Searchable knowledge base.

Our sessions include:

Show and tell.
Hands-on and discovery learning.
Practical process discussions.

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